We live on a beautiful farm and want to keep it this way. We maintain its beauty by investing in technology, sustainable farming and maintaining a high level of environmental management.

Meredith Dairy is the largest farm of its kind in Australia. We milk both goats and sheep and process dairy products every day. Our aim is to value-add all farm produce, not just milk, to produce the best products we can and farm in a responsible and sustainable way.
Meredith Dairy Cheese and yoghurt is made every day from the milk collected on the same day. Grains grown on the farm are used by the dairy animals, straw is used for bedding, cheese whey is fed to beef cattle and animal manure is returned to the soil as fertiliser.
Farm activities follow management systems and all production is monitored. Systems include a Quality Assurance program, Natural Resource Management program, Research & Development and OH&S programs.
The market for our dairy products has enabled the farming enterprise to expand, remain sustainable and promote economic and social development within our local community.

Fresh milk is life
Our sheep and goats are healthy, well-fed and well-nurtured; this is the key to incredible milk. Our products are made every day in our on-farm factory, using the morning milk. The best fresh dairy is made using the best milk.
Respect for our animals
Sheep and goats are the foundation of our farm and business. Their wellbeing is optimal and they have access to the best nutrition and veterinary care. Our goats live in open-walled sheds and are given fresh straw daily. They have access to grass, fresh air and sun, weather permitting.
Our model is to have small herds across multiple dairies. This increases production, improves animal health and wellbeing, and facilitates a better work/life balance for the staff. Sandy Cameron is an experienced VET (PhD) and considered a leader in animal nutrition and husbandry, particularly for sheep and goats.

Responsible, sustainable farming
We’re determined to pass onto the next generation an economically viable and environmentally sustainable business that’s part of a thriving rural community. We are continuously looking at how we can improve.
Ongoing initiatives include an annual tree planting program, renewable power, water conservation and recycling projects, replenishment of soil nutrients and the protection of significant native ecosystems.